Name a Room
Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital is a state-of-the-art facility that offers the right facilities, equipment, and space for caregivers treating patients.

Name a Room
As Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital continues to expand its range of clinical services, increase access to care, deploy innovative technologies and plan for the future healthcare needs of our community we need to continuously fund our hospital. Ongoing funding is needed to enable us to upgrade our equipment and technology, stay at the forefront of treatment and care, and ensure the availability of world-class healthcare.
We are proud to offer a number of unique naming opportunities throughout the hospital to donors who pledge gifts of $50,000 or more. These recognition plaques are created to acknowledge and celebrate donors for their generosity and support of OTMH.
Named gifts can honour a loved one, pay tribute to a family, or recognize an organization for many years to come.

Leadership Giving
Oakville Hospital Foundation is grateful for the extraordinary generosity of donors who make leadership gifts that have the power to transform the community hospital experience in Oakville.
An investment in healthcare strengthens the fabric of our community – a community shaped by the generosity of visionary philanthropists.
As Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital looks to the future, we are deeply grateful for those who will help lead our community into our bright future for generations to come.
There are many ways to structure your support that will achieve the biggest impact including multi-year pledges or gift of securities.
We welcome the opportunity to work with you to develop a giving opportunity and recognition that is most meaningful for you.
Partner With Us
For more information regarding current naming opportunities and making a meaningful gift, please contact.
Felicia Sciberras, CFRE
Associate Director, Philanthropy
Oakville Hospital Foundation