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Back to School Tips

Better Care Story
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Jocelyn's Better Care Story

Heading back to school after summer can be challenging for children of all ages. Jocelyn, our Child Life Specialist, has provided some tips to help parents and caregivers support the transition back to the classroom.

  1. Listen & Validate: take time to pay attention and acknowledge all feelings. It is normal to feel nervous through transitions.
  2. Take time to Connect: Check in each day. Whether during a walk together or at mealtime, it is important to ask open-ended questions about your child’s day.
  3. Explore the Exciting Aspects: Acknowledge the positive potentials of change and the many fun things to look forward to each year.
  4. Consistency is Key: Routines promote comfort and security for children. Establish before and after school patterns such as what can be expected at pick up and drop off.
  5. Build Resources & Coping Strategies: It is important to identify strategies that can be used to manage challenges. Providing opportunities for expression such as art, journaling, music or time to talk can help foster healthy coping strategies.