Dr. Lorne Martin
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You have so much to be proud of.
That’s my first thought when I think back on everything you helped us accomplish at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital (OTMH) in 2016.
Last year, thousands of patients came through our doors and found the lifesaving care and latest treatments they needed right here in our community. They found hope for recovery or a better quality of life because of you.
Caring supporters like you are the reason we were able to ramp up our interventional radiology services with minimally invasive cutting-edge technology last year. Together, we implemented our new vascular program, which has already saved lives. And our surgical department has added a brand new maxillofacial service, and a urogynecology surgical program.
You also helped the pediatric department add a brand new pediatric endoscopy diagnostic program. And thanks to you, we purchased state-of-the-art equipment such as a new CT Scanner that can take images of a beating heart and equipped our bright new dialysis space with brand new machines.
All of this fills my heart with pride. And I feel such gratitude on behalf of all the people in our community who are benefitting from your loyal support.
I hope you continue to support OTMH. You see, we’re counting on generous donors like you to help us reach our annual fundraising goal. Your support will help fund urgent priorities including expanding our vascular program and purchasing new equipment such as Stress Testing Machines for cardiology patients and Laparoscopes for surgical patients. Perhaps you know someone who has benefitted from these technologies. Stress Testing Machines are used to diagnose patients with chest pain. They are also a critical tool to help those with heart disease manage their condition. And Laparoscopes help our surgeons remove certain types of tumours in a minimally invasive surgery. This results in less pain and faster recovery time for patients.
Together, let’s make more better care stories.
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