Dr. Michael Heffernan
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A special note from Dr. Michael Heffernan, cardiologist at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital:
I am here to tell you about a patient of mine. Frank wishes he could thank you personally for helping to save his life. He says, “I’ve been given a second chance at life because of the care I received at Oakville Hospital!”
Let me introduce myself. I am Dr. Michael Heffernan, a cardiologist at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital (OTMH). I first met Frank when he came into the hospital for a routine cardiac stress test. We injected a small amount of dye into Frank’s blood, in order for it to travel to his heart. We then took a scan of his heart before and after he worked out on a treadmill.
I call this test routine, as it is a standard test we perform many times a day. However, the thing about this test is that it is designed to provoke heart issues, so we can give a quick diagnosis and come up with treatment options.
In Frank’s case, we discovered that he had a 99% blockage in his heart. I decided it was too risky for him to go home and wait for an appointment with his family doctor to discuss his results. Instead, we admitted him into the Cardiac Care Unit right away, where we performed an echocardiogram to determine the strength of his heart. He was one of the lucky ones. His heart issue was diagnosed in time.
Frank is so very grateful to you for your support of Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, just as he is grateful to me and my colleagues for the care he received. He says, “Failing the cardiac stress test is the first time I’ve ever been glad to fail a test. The cardiac team at Oakville Hospital knew exactly what they needed to do and ensured I got the care I needed every step of the way.”
I can honestly say that we couldn’t do it without you. We absolutely depend on the leadership and generosity of caring community members like you to help us purchase this vital cardiac equipment and technology. Thank you for your support and for helping us to save Frank and other patients each and every day. You are an integral part of our team and have a hand in each and every diagnosis we make.