Dr. Richard Casey
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Navigating men’s health and the crucial role of urologists
Men’s health often takes a backseat, but Dr. Richard Casey, a dedicated urologist at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital (OTMH), is on a mission to change that.
“When we are discussing men’s health, the first thing to keep in mind is prevention. Men need to look after themselves. Most health concerns can be mitigated with better habits, better diets and better weight control,” he says.
Many men neglect their physical health. Although Canadians are among the healthiest globally, many Canadian men could improve their health. Public Health Agency of Canada statistics show that 82% of men don’t meet physical activity guidelines, 76% don’t eat healthy food, and 35% don’t get enough sleep.
Dr. Casey encourages men to be proactive. “See a good family physician. If you’re over 50, ask your doctor to check your prostate. If they can’t, they can refer you to a urologist.”
Urologists treat issues like prostate health, kidney stones, erectile dysfunction, and bladder problems. They specialize in the reproductive and urinary systems.
“If your doctor refers you to a urologist, don’t be shy. This is the time you can step up and get personal,” says Dr. Casey.
Your penis is a barometer for your vascular system and can save your life. If it’s not working or if you are struggling sexually, it can mean much more. Do not suffer in silence.
Most men feel awkward or uncomfortable to address these problems. Keep in mind, urologists have seen similar cases and will do their best to put you at ease.
“Dr. Google, can’t answer all your questions. Use your genetics to guide you and focus on optimum nutrition and diet. By taking care of your health with a balanced diet you may never have to see a urologist,” Dr. Casey concludes.
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