Grateful for OTMH
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What started as a fabulous Sunday with brunch and a slow moving morning ended in pain so severe that I thought something was dreadfully wrong.
I am incredibly thankful for the staff at Oakville Memorial Hospital. Everyone was kind and thoughtful! They worked on a holiday weekend so I could have a place to go for help!
I am grateful to the nurse whose name I didn’t hear. She took blood and it was easy peasy with no discomfort of any kind thanks to her skill
I am grateful for nurse I. who shared how he counts the number of pieces of equipment he needs to make sure patients don’t feel anxious because he forgot something – and to the amount of tape he used so that the port wouldn’t tug or pull and cause me any discomfort
I am grateful to nurse T. who gave us permission to stay in a room where I could lay down while it wasn’t in use, and to the donors who provided recliners in the waiting room where I was moved to
I am grateful to Dr. P who was so gentle and kind during the exam and explained the situation and all my options
I am grateful to the radiology technician who shared stories of friends who had experienced similar situations and gave me insight on options that are available to me
I am grateful to Dr. C who was fighting a cold after looking after his granddaughter and still came in to work. He was so careful to ensure I didn’t get it from him; he reassured me of the situation and all my options, and how to recognize the syptoms of a serious complication
I am grateful to the artists (professionals and students) who adorned the rooms and halls. Each one was enjoyed in great detail – as a distraction and reminder that “This too shall pass”
I am grateful to the people who were working at Tim Horton’s and made me a cup of tea to soothe my spirit on the drive home
💝 I am especially grateful to my spouse, who didn’t leave my side
Last holiday we got COVID. This also was not the holiday we had planned! Hopefully third time is a charm 😉