Our Stories

The Gift of a Second Chance

Better Care Story
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Jim's Better Care Story

There was no warning.

I felt fine when I pulled into Oakville Hospital. I was there to pick up my wife who was being discharged from the hospital. My own health was the last thing on my mind.

After parking at the main hospital doors and getting my wife comfortably settled in the van, I went to return the wheelchair. That’s when it happened, or so I’ve been told.

I don’t remember collapsing onto the ground.

Someone called into the ER and help was at my side in 30 seconds. A nurse jumped onto my chest and started CPR because my heart had stopped beating. She was one of my angels that day.

I woke up in the ER, surrounded by my family and the doctors and nurses who had just saved my life. I have no idea how long they worked on me but it must have been for a while.

Tests revealed that my arteries were severely clogged causing my heart to stop without warning. It’s a miracle I’m alive. If this had happened anywhere else – if I had been just a few minutes earlier picking up my wife – I might not be here writing this letter to you today.

I am profoundly grateful to the team who got my heart beating again, who brought me back to my family. The life-saving care I received at Oakville Hospital inspired me to give back by becoming a donor.

Perhaps you’re a grateful patient like I am. Whatever reasons you have for giving, I want to thank you. You’re a big part of the reason things turned out for me the way they did.

The OTMH healthcare team can’t do it alone. They need people like you and me who understand how important having the latest technology is to patient care. Equipment like the defibrillator that got my heart started again in the ER and the cardiac echo machine that helped diagnose the problem.

After my heart arrest, I was transferred to the ICU where I continued to receive excellent care.I had a number of diagnostic tests so doctors could determine the best course of action.

I underwent quadruple heart bypass surgery at another hospital before coming back to Oakville Hospital for their Cardiac Rehabilitation Program. The caring staff went out of their way to help strengthen my heart so I could get on with my life.

And I have. Thanks to the team at Oakville Hospital and supporters like you, I’m around to spend time with my family. I appreciate every moment I have with them. And I appreciate the time I’ve been given to do the things I love. It’s a precious gift I will never take for granted.

A regular day can change without warning. Suddenly, you could find yourself fighting for your life. If that happens, you want the best people fighting by your side. You want access to the most up-do-date, life-saving equipment and technology.

Please join me in supporting our hospital today. Your gift will help equip Oakville Hospital for every situation and emergency. Your generosity will ensure the skilled health care professionals in every department have everything they need to improve and save lives.

Keep the heart of our community – our incredible hospital – beating strong for patients.