A Year in Review
Take a look at what you helped us achieve this past year.
A Message
From Mary
This past year, your generous support of Oakville Hospital Foundation left an incredible impact as we continued to navigate the upheaval that COVID-19 ushered in. Few predicted how long this pandemic would last, how wave after wave would mean constant changes in social norms and how dramatically the world and indeed our Oakville community would change. Despite everything, our dedicated donors and volunteers rose to the challenge to make sure Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital healthcare teams had what they needed to care for our community.
This past year, you helped us:
Fund life-saving equipment for our Emergency Department 20% of all admissions to OTMH are people who are in need of urgent cardiac care and quick diagnosis and effective treatments are vital. |
Fund vital equipment for our Laboratory Ongoing donor support means this critical department can continue to invest in advancements in technology that helps our medical teams make informed decisions faster. By investing in state-of-the-art medical equipment, lab technicians can provide accurate processing of specimens and quicker delivery of test results. |
Support innovative care such as the Cardio-Oncology Program A new initiative that prioritizes cancer patients for regular cardiovascular testing. Echocardiograms keep tabs on heart function and help reduce the risk of irreversible heart damage. |
Upgrade OTMH’s medication delivery system Automated Dispensing Units (ADU) ensure our caregivers have the right medications to go to the right patient at the right time. Upgrade of the system couldn’t come at a better time. The number of doses dispensed by the pharmacy has doubled in the last few years. |
Redesign OTMH’s Cancer Clinic Pharmacy Creating more space for additional staff was necessary as demand for making medications on-site is on the rise. The number of visits to our chemotherapy clinic has increased by 68% this year alone. |
Advance our navigator programs 100% donor-funded, navigators have become critical members of our healthcare teams helping patients living with cancer or mental health issues. Mental wellness navigators provide short-term support to children, youth and their families in crisis as they navigate through the complex mental health system and transition to longer-term services. Patient navigators in our Breast Diagnostic Assessment Program offer a patient-centered approach to care and help women by coordinating appointments, keeping physicians updated, managing test results, and explaining any required procedures, all while providing emotional support. |
Thank you for supporting community healthcare and for being part of the critical work of our hospital. We have been overwhelmed by your past support. It has been a reminder of how a community like Oakville can make a difference. For this, we are deeply grateful.
Now, it is time to turn the page to better days ahead.
It is time, finally, to focus on the future.
Mary McPherson, CFRE
Chief Executive Officer
Oakville Hospital Foundation
This statement is supplemental information to the March 31, 2022 Audited Financial Statements.

Your Dollars at Work
Here at the Foundation, we meet so many patients and families who have been helped by OTMH—and your generosity. These extraordinary journeys are constant reminders of why our work is so important. Get to know Karin, a remarkable patient, who was able to get the care she needed thanks to your tremendous support.

Above & Beyond
Discover how every individual at Halton Healthcare continues to go above and beyond in providing safe, quality care to our patients, families and communities. Read their 2021/22 Annual Report.